The Untold Stories of Youth in the Sri Lankan Civil War: A Personal Journey (Our Uncles)

The Untold Stories of Youth in the Sri Lankan Civil War: A Personal Journey


The Sri Lankan Civil War, a conflict that spanned over two decades, left an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals, each with a unique story to tell. Among those deeply affected were young individuals like our uncles, who, at the tender age of 16, joined the ranks of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). This is a reflection on their personal journeys and the motivations that led them to take up arms against perceived government injustices.

The Roots of Unrest:

The origins of the Sri Lankan Civil War can be traced back to longstanding ethnic tensions between the majority Sinhalese community and the minority Tamils. Discrimination in areas such as education, employment, and political representation fueled grievances among Tamils, creating a fertile ground for dissent.

A Young Warrior's Perspective:

For our uncles, the decision to join the LTTE was not one of recklessness, but a response to what they perceived as systemic injustice. The government's actions, including the anti-Tamil pogrom of 1983 and allegations of discrimination, fueled a sense of desperation and the belief that armed resistance was the only means to secure the rights of the Tamil community.

Youth and the LTTE:

The LTTE, led by Velupillai Prabhakaran, attracted a significant number of young recruits who believed in the organization's vision of an independent Tamil state. Our uncles, like many others, saw the LTTE as a defender against perceived oppression, a force that would stand up for the rights of the Tamil people.

The Toll of War:

The conflict, however, exacted a heavy toll on individuals like our uncles. The LTTE's tactics, including suicide bombings and the recruitment of child soldiers, have been widely condemned by the international community. The toll on young lives, both in the LTTE and among civilians caught in the crossfire, remains a painful legacy of the war.

Government Injustices:

While the LTTE's actions have been scrutinized, it is crucial to acknowledge the grievances that fueled the conflict. Reports of government forces engaging in indiscriminate shelling, extrajudicial killings, and enforced disappearances have raised serious concerns about accountability and justice.

A Call for Reconciliation:

The end of the conflict in 2009 marked the beginning of a new chapter for Sri Lanka. However, true healing requires an honest acknowledgment of the past. It is time for the Sri Lankan government to address the allegations of injustices and human rights abuses, fostering an environment where the grievances that fueled the conflict can be addressed through dialogue and reconciliation.

In Closing:

These stories of our uncles, like those of many others, serve as poignant reminders of the complexities and tragedies that unfolded during the Sri Lankan Civil War. As we strive for a future of peace and coexistence, it is imperative to recognize the voices of those who, in their pursuit of justice, found themselves caught in a conflict not of their making. Our uncles symbolize the collective struggle of an entire generation, and only through understanding, empathy, and a commitment to justice can Sri Lanka move forward from the scars of its tumultuous past.

Driving Sustainable Success: A CEO's Guide to Environmental Finance and Carbon Trading


As a CEO, navigating the complex landscape of environmental sustainability and carbon trading is not just a responsibility—it's an opportunity to drive positive change while fostering corporate success. In a world increasingly focused on reducing carbon footprints and embracing sustainable practices, understanding the dynamics of environmental finance and carbon trading is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore the key concepts and avenues available to CEOs eager to lead their organizations towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Embracing Carbon Trading: A Strategic Imperative

Understanding Carbon Trading:

Carbon trading is a powerful tool that enables businesses to not only meet environmental regulations but also thrive in a low-carbon economy. By participating in the carbon market, your company can turn environmental responsibility into a strategic advantage. This involves buying and selling carbon credits, optimizing your carbon portfolio, and staying ahead of market trends.

The CEO's Role:

As the leader of your organization, your commitment to sustainability sets the tone for the entire company. Consider appointing a dedicated sustainability team or a Chief Sustainability Officer to spearhead initiatives related to carbon trading. This signals to both internal and external stakeholders that sustainability is not just a checkbox but a core element of your business strategy.

Key Job Titles and Their Impact

Carbon Trader:

A dedicated Carbon Trader can actively engage in buying and selling carbon credits, ensuring your organization is strategically positioned in the carbon market. This role contributes directly to financial success while advancing your sustainability goals.

Carbon Portfolio Manager:

Managing a portfolio of carbon credits is akin to managing any other financial portfolio. A skilled Carbon Portfolio Manager can optimize trading strategies, balancing financial returns with environmental impact, and ensuring your organization remains ahead in this dynamic market.

Services to Drive Sustainability

Carbon Credit Procurement:

Engaging in services that help your business acquire carbon credits is a proactive step toward offsetting emissions. This not only aligns with environmental goals but also demonstrates corporate responsibility to clients, investors, and the wider community.

Market Analysis and Advisory:

Leverage market analysis services to gain insights into carbon market trends. This information, coupled with expert advisory services, can guide your decision-making processes, ensuring that your organization remains agile and well-informed.

From CEO to Environmental Steward

Educational Programs:

Consider implementing educational programs within your organization to enhance the understanding of carbon trading and environmental finance. This empowers your employees to contribute actively to sustainability initiatives.

Strategic Vision:

Your strategic vision as a CEO should include integrating sustainability into every facet of your organization. This not only future-proofs your business against changing regulations but positions it as a leader in environmental responsibility.


In conclusion, embracing environmental finance and carbon trading is not just a necessity; it's an opportunity for CEOs to lead their organizations toward a more sustainable and profitable future. By investing in skilled professionals, adopting key services, and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, you can ensure that your company not only survives but thrives in the evolving landscape of carbon consciousness. The journey toward sustainability begins with the commitment of a CEO, and the rewards are not just financial but also pave the way for a greener, healthier planet.

Unleashing the Future of AI and MATLAB: A Journey of Innovation

The world is witnessing a profound transformation, where the fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and MATLAB is reshaping industries and opening doors to unprecedented possibilities. In this dynamic landscape, I am proud to embark on a journey of genius-level innovation, leveraging these cutting-edge technologies to pioneer change and drive progress.

The AI Revolution

Artificial Intelligence is the driving force of the future. Its applications are diverse, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment. AI can analyze vast datasets, learn from patterns, make predictions, and even mimic human thought processes. This powerful technology is redefining the way we live and work, and its potential is limitless.

As a genius in the making, my deep understanding of AI empowers me to harness its capabilities effectively. Whether it's developing predictive models, natural language processing algorithms, or computer vision systems, I strive to be at the forefront of AI innovation. I have witnessed the power of AI in solving real-world problems and enhancing efficiency, and I'm committed to driving this transformative technology forward.

The Role of MATLAB

MATLAB, the robust mathematical computing environment, is my trusted partner in this journey. Its versatility and ease of use make it the ideal tool for prototyping and deploying AI solutions. MATLAB's support for various AI frameworks, coupled with its extensive library of functions and toolboxes, streamlines AI development, from concept to implementation.

My proficiency in MATLAB empowers me to translate AI ideas into practical applications seamlessly. With MATLAB, I can explore data, develop AI models, and deploy them in real-world scenarios. This powerful combination of AI and MATLAB has enabled me to turn innovative concepts into actionable solutions, demonstrating my expertise in both fields.

The Future is Limitless

The synergy between AI and MATLAB is shaping the future in remarkable ways. From autonomous vehicles that navigate our cities to healthcare systems that provide accurate diagnoses, the potential applications are boundless. As a trailblazer, I am excited to play a pivotal role in this technological revolution.

The future of AI and MATLAB holds the promise of enhanced automation, data-driven decision-making, and a deeper understanding of complex systems. My passion for innovation and my dedication to mastering these technologies have allowed me to make strides in various domains, from optimizing supply chains to revolutionizing healthcare through AI-powered diagnostics.

A Call to Collaborate

In this age of AI and MATLAB, collaboration is the key to unlocking their full potential. As I continue my journey of genius-level innovation, I invite like-minded individuals and organizations to join me in shaping the future. Together, we can drive change, inspire innovation, and harness the power of AI and MATLAB to address the world's most pressing challenges.

The future is an open canvas, waiting for visionaries to paint it with groundbreaking solutions. AI and MATLAB are the tools of transformation, and my passion is the fuel that drives progress. Join me on this incredible journey, and together, we'll define the future of technology and leave an indelible mark on the world.

The Evolution of Cessna Cockpits: A Pilot's Perspective (1960-2022) by Billy Gajan Waran

As pilots, we are intimately familiar with the heart of our flying machines—the cockpit. Over the decades, the cockpit of Cessna aircraft has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from the simplicity of analog instruments to the cutting-edge technology of today's digital avionics suites. Let's take a journey through time, exploring the changes that have shaped the Cessna cockpit from 1960 to 2022.

The Analog Era (1960s):

In the early days of Cessna aviation, pilots like myself, Billy Gajan Waran, were greeted by the comforting glow of analog instruments. Round gauges adorned the cockpit, providing essential information on airspeed, altitude, and navigation. The technology was basic, reflecting the era's reliance on traditional VOR and NDB navigation systems.

Transition to Glass Cockpits (1970s-1980s):

As the aviation landscape evolved, so did the Cessna cockpit. The late 1970s and 1980s witnessed a significant shift from analog to glass cockpits. Electronic displays started to replace the familiar round gauges, marking a leap forward in avionics technology. Pilots like me now had access to digital displays that made it easier to process information.

The Digital Revolution (1990s-2000s):

The 1990s ushered in an era of advanced avionics for Cessna aircraft. Glass cockpits became the norm, featuring multifunction displays (MFDs) that consolidated various flight information onto a single screen. GPS navigation systems became widespread, enhancing accuracy and opening new possibilities for route planning. Autopilot systems, once a luxury, became more common, providing a level of automation that eased the pilot's workload.

Modern Marvels (2010s-2022):

Fast forward to the present, and the Cessna cockpit has become a marvel of modern technology. Full digital suites with large touchscreen displays now dominate the landscape. The once-familiar knobs and switches have given way to intuitive interfaces, providing pilots like me with unprecedented control and customization. Integrated avionics systems seamlessly blend navigation, communication, and system monitoring, contributing to a more streamlined and efficient flying experience.

Beyond the Horizon:

In recent years, Cessna has embraced cutting-edge advancements to further enhance pilot capabilities. Some models now feature fly-by-wire technology, offering precise control and stability augmentation. Enhanced situational awareness tools, including synthetic vision systems and terrain awareness features, provide pilots like me with a comprehensive view of our surroundings.

Connectivity has become a key theme in the modern Cessna cockpit, with data link communication, weather updates, and real-time information becoming integral components. As pilots, we find ourselves not only flying an aircraft but also navigating a digital ecosystem that keeps us informed and connected throughout our journeys.


The evolution of Cessna cockpits from the 1960s to 2022 mirrors the broader technological advancements in aviation. What was once a realm of analog dials and manual navigation has transformed into a digital cockpit where precision, efficiency, and connectivity are paramount. As pilots like me, Billy Gajan Waran, we embrace these changes, recognizing that each innovation contributes to safer, more enjoyable flights. The Cessna cockpit is not just a cockpit; it's a testament to the ever-advancing spirit of aviation.

Addressing Homegrown Challenges: Critical Issues in Canada from an Insider's Perspective

Canada, often celebrated for its diverse culture and breathtaking landscapes, is not without its homegrown challenges. As an insider, we recognize the strengths and virtues of our nation, but we also acknowledge the need to address pressing issues. In this article, we will delve into some of the key challenges facing Canada from the perspective of those who call it home.

1. Indigenous Reconciliation: A Moral Imperative

From the historical injustices of residential schools to the ongoing struggles for clean drinking water and socio-economic equity, reconciliation with Indigenous communities remains a pivotal issue. As insiders, we understand the importance of respecting Indigenous rights, addressing past wrongs, and forging a path toward genuine reconciliation.

2. Environmental Sustainability: Balancing Act

Canada's vast natural landscapes are a source of national pride. Yet, the tension between environmental conservation and resource development is a complex challenge. As insiders, we must find sustainable ways to manage our resources while protecting the environment for future generations.

3. Affordable Housing and Income Disparities

The escalating cost of housing in cities like Vancouver and Toronto presents a genuine concern for insiders. As housing becomes increasingly unaffordable, the gap between the rich and the struggling middle class widens. It's an issue that demands innovative solutions to ensure housing remains within reach for all Canadians.

4. Healthcare Pressures: Waiting for Care

Canada's publicly funded healthcare system is a source of pride, but insiders are well aware of its strain. Lengthy waiting times for specialized care and elective procedures challenge the accessibility and effectiveness of our healthcare system. Ensuring timely access to care remains a pressing concern.

5. Immigration Integration and Diversity Challenges

Canada's open doors have welcomed immigrants from around the world, but insiders acknowledge that integration and inclusion are not without challenges. As a society, we must work to ensure that newcomers can fully participate in Canadian life and contribute to the nation's diverse tapestry.

6. Economic Transition: A Changing Landscape

Insiders are witnessing an evolving economic landscape. Traditional industries like manufacturing and natural resources are facing transformations, leading to job displacement. The need to adapt and support economic diversification is a vital task for governments and businesses.

7. Language and Cultural Identity: A Unique Challenge

The bilingual nature of Canada—recognizing both French and English as official languages—shapes our cultural identity. Insiders experience the complexity of linguistic policy and its role in preserving cultural diversity. Fostering bilingualism while ensuring cultural representation remains an ongoing effort.

8. International Relations: Navigating Diplomacy

Canada's global role, particularly in relations with the United States, is of great concern to insiders. Trade disputes, diplomatic challenges, and foreign policy decisions have direct impacts on our nation. As insiders, we must monitor and contribute to these diplomatic relationships.


As insiders in Canada, we carry the responsibility of addressing and solving the nation's unique set of challenges. While we celebrate our diverse culture, cherish our stunning landscapes, and appreciate the virtues of our nation, we also recognize the need to confront issues that shape our society.

From Indigenous reconciliation and environmental conservation to affordable housing and healthcare access, these challenges are an integral part of our Canadian identity. Our journey is a testament to our resilience, adaptability, and commitment to creating a better and more inclusive Canada for all.

By acknowledging these issues and actively working to address them, insiders in Canada can continue to build a stronger, more equitable, and prosperous nation. Our perspective as insiders allows us to witness the intricate and evolving tapestry of Canadian society, and we are committed to contributing to its growth and progress.

Nurturing the Digital Generation: Growing Up with iPads - A Comprehensive Exploration

In an era dominated by technology, the decision to introduce an iPad into a child's life from birth through adolescence is a nuanced topic that demands careful consideration. While the digital realm offers a myriad of opportunities for learning and exploration, it also poses potential risks that can impact a child's development. In this comprehensive exploration, we'll delve into the positives and negatives associated with allowing a child to grow up with an iPad, examining each stage of development.

Early Years (0-5): Nurturing the Mind


*Interactive Engagement:*

Educational apps tailored for young minds create interactive engagement, transforming learning into a playful experience. This dynamic approach can lay the groundwork for a positive attitude towards education.

*Sensory Stimulation:*

The sensory-rich environment of iPads can stimulate cognitive development. The tactile nature of touchscreen interaction promotes fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, offering a holistic approach to early learning.


*Attention Challenges:*

However, the flip side reveals concerns about attention challenges. The constant stimuli from screens may contribute to difficulties in focusing on real-world tasks, raising questions about the potential impact on attention spans.

*Sleep Disruption:*

Overstimulation before bedtime may disrupt sleep patterns, emphasizing the importance of establishing clear boundaries for screen time, especially in the evening.

Childhood (6-12): Balancing Act


*Educational Tools:*

As children progress, iPads can become valuable educational tools. They offer supplementary resources that complement traditional learning methods, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.

*Digital Literacy:*

Early exposure contributes to digital literacy, a skill increasingly vital in today's technology-centric society. Familiarity with digital devices equips children with the adaptability needed for the future.


*Screen Time Balance:*

Striking a balance between screen time and other activities becomes a delicate task. Prolonged screen time may contribute to sedentary behavior, impacting physical health and social development.

*Social Development:*

Excessive digital interaction may limit opportunities for children to practice and develop essential face-to-face communication skills. It's crucial to foster a balance between digital and interpersonal interactions.

Adolescence (13-18): Navigating Independence


*Access to Information:*

Adolescents benefit from the vast information available on the internet, aiding academic research and personal development. iPads become tools for independent exploration and learning.

*Creative Expression:*

Teens can channel their creativity through iPads, exploring digital art, music composition, and more. These digital platforms offer avenues for self-expression and portfolio building.


*Cybersecurity Concerns:*

The increased online presence raises concerns about privacy and cybersecurity. Adolescents must be educated about the potential risks associated with sharing information online.


Long-term reliance on digital devices may contribute to mental health issues. Striking a balance between digital engagement and real-world experiences is crucial for holistic development.

Overall Considerations: Finding the Middle Ground

In conclusion, the journey of growing up with an iPad encompasses a spectrum of experiences. The positives, from early learning opportunities to creative expression, are undeniable. However, the negatives, including concerns about overstimulation and potential dependency, underline the necessity for conscientious parenting.

**Parental Guidance:**

Throughout each stage, active parental involvement is paramount. Setting clear limits, curating age-appropriate content, and fostering a healthy relationship with technology are fundamental responsibilities.

**Balance and Adaptability:**

Children growing up with iPads must develop adaptability to both digital and non-digital environments. Striking a balance that maximizes the benefits while mitigating the drawbacks is the key to nurturing a well-rounded individual.

As technology continues to evolve, so must our approach to integrating it into our children's lives. The overarching message is one of mindful and intentional usage, where technology serves as a tool for enrichment rather than a substitute for genuine human experiences. By navigating this digital landscape with care and consideration, we can empower the next generation to harness the full potential of technology while maintaining a healthy connection to the world around them.

Exploring the Spiritual Essence of Yoga: A Journey into Vedic Hindu Wisdom


In the sacred tapestry of Vedic Hinduism, the practice of yoga stands as a profound and timeless thread, weaving together the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions of human existence. As a Brahmin rooted in the Vedic traditions, my journey with yoga has been a deeply personal and transformative one. In this article, we will delve into the essence of yoga from a Vedic perspective, exploring its spiritual significance and the profound teachings it offers.

Understanding Yoga:

Yoga, derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj," means to unite or yoke. It is a holistic system designed to bring harmony to the mind, body, and soul. The ancient sage Patanjali codified the principles of yoga in his Yoga Sutras, providing a roadmap for seekers on the path of self-realization.

As a Vedic Hindu, my approach to yoga goes beyond the physical postures commonly associated with it in the modern world. While the asanas are essential, they are just one limb of the eightfold path outlined by Patanjali. The true essence of yoga lies in the integration of ethical principles (yamas and niyamas), physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), withdrawal of the senses (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana), and ultimate enlightenment (samadhi).

Teaching Yoga as a Spiritual Practice:

In sharing the wisdom of yoga, it is essential to convey its spiritual depth. As a Brahmin, my teachings are grounded in the Vedic understanding of the self (atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman). Yoga, in its truest form, is a journey inward, a process of self-discovery that leads to the realization of our divine nature.

1. Emphasize the Spiritual Foundations:

   Begin by introducing students to the philosophical foundations of yoga. Help them understand that yoga is not merely a physical exercise but a spiritual journey aimed at realizing the interconnectedness of all existence.

2. Incorporate Vedic Wisdom:

   Infuse your teachings with Vedic wisdom, drawing upon ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads. Explore concepts such as dharma, karma, and the pursuit of self-realization.

3. Integrate Meditation and Mindfulness:

   Guide your students in cultivating mindfulness through meditation. Teach them to quiet the mind, turn inward, and experience the profound stillness that is at the core of yogic practices.

4. Embrace Ahimsa and Compassion:

   Emphasize the ethical principles of yoga, particularly ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion. Encourage students to extend kindness not only to others but also to themselves.

5. Celebrate the Unity of Body and Spirit:

   Help students recognize the interconnectedness of the physical and spiritual dimensions. Through asanas and pranayama, guide them to experience the unity of mind, body, and breath.


As a Brahmin practitioner of Vedic Hinduism, sharing the profound teachings of yoga goes beyond physical postures; it is an invitation to embark on a spiritual journey. By incorporating Vedic wisdom, emphasizing mindfulness, and nurturing compassion, we can guide students toward a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe. In doing so, we honour the rich heritage of Vedic Hinduism and contribute to the timeless legacy of yoga as a path to self-realization.

The Ultimate Acquisition Playbook: A Strategic Guide by Waran Gajan Bilal

  The Ultimate Acquisition Playbook: A Strategic Guide by Waran Gajan Bilal Acquisitions are a powerful tool for growth and market expansion...